Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holy Chinoli!

One of our favorite things about the DR so far has been the chinola juice. We didn't know what it was at first - especially because "chinola" is a Dominican Spanish word and not something we could look up in our handy Spanish-English dictionary, but we knew that we loved it. Even after we were told that it was passion fruit, we had to trust that our local friends because neither of us had seen it in its original form. We were buying the juice "fresh" for several weeks before our housekeeper said that it was "easy" to make. I wouldn't exactly call the process "easy." Chopping an orange in half and then using a juicer is "easy." This is definitely more involved. But is it worth it? Definitely. Click the picture to check out this slide show (with captions) and then decide for yourself. Better yet, come for a visit and you can taste for yourself!