Today I went
to The Boy's school. All the classes are in English except Spanish
class and after-school activities. The
students come from around the world. Some of his classmates speak Spanish,
French, Korean, Chinese, and English. His teacher is from Australia.
The school has a preschool and kindergarten through high school.
Traffic is very bad in Peru. People don't pay attention to the lines on the road or the lights. Everyone honks their horns. It is very dangerous. There are 10 million people in Lima so that is a lot of cars, buses, taxis, motorcycles, and bicycle carts!
The Boy's family misses doing American things so on the weekends people from the Embassy get together to do American things. We went to the Ambassador’s Residence for an Easter Party. We went for an Easter egg hunt and visited the Easter Bunny. The Ambassador tells President Obama what is happening in Peru.
Stay tuned for more of Flat Stanley's adventures!