Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letter of the Day

Today's Letter of the Day is C sponsored by The Dominican Republic.

Choriza meatballs: Someone stocked our fridge with ready-made meatballs that taste like chorizo. I haven't knowingly had chorizo since 1998 when I, against my better judgment, read the ingredients at the commissary at Fort Sill, OK. And I'm all for eating local cuisine, but I just couldn't stomach these. I don't have to worry about leftovers, though, because The Girl had 6 meatballs in less than 24 hours. She calls them "sausage balls." The less said, the better.

Cuba: For some unknown reason the phone company here has scheduled wake-up calls for everyone in the country at 8am on Saturday and Sunday and 3:06pm on weekdays. The only way to get it shut off is to call the operator. It has been suggested to us that it is a Cuban plot. That makes about as much sense as scheduling an unrequested wake-up call.

Cholera: Because of the recent outbreak of cholera in Haiti, we've been warned to brush our teeth with bottled water and bleach the rinse water for our dishes. Lucky for us we've been doing that since our friend traced his intestinal distress in Bolivia to his teeth-brushing activities. And I thought we only had to worry about the Cockroaches and Car accidents.